What to Know Before Building a New Sports Facility

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

So, you’re thinking of building a sports facility and you’re doing a little homework first. Congratulations!

In this blog, we’ll cover key items to consider before embarking on this exciting new business journey.

First Things First

When creating anything in life, a solid foundation is key. In this case, a literal solid foundation is what you will need. That requires proper funds, appropriate regulations, and reliable contractors.


Name an adventure that doesn’t encounter a few hiccups, right? Nobody wants them to happen but being prepared can save time, money, and setbacks. Calculate how much money you will need for the entire project from start to finish. Then, tag on a bit more to cover emergencies and unplanned hurdles.


Next, check with your local municipality center. Each local municipality center has information related to specific zoning and building regulations. You, of course, want everything done up to code and that is smart thinking. As the age old saying goes, “Haste makes waste.”


Look for contractors with great reviews and plenty of experience building sports facilities. Check out their website and past projects, too. And really take your time selecting one. Your vision is only as strong as the company building it.

Sporting Events and Parking

Before determining the size of the sports complex and building type, two things are crucial. And, they go hand in hand. First, you need to imagine the future sports events you want to hold in your sports complex. After that, think about the amount of parking needed to accommodate everyone. And then some! Because remember, you will be competing with other nearby facilities for guests.


Parking gets a second shout-out here because it is often overlooked. Many places decide on minimum parking. The problem with minimum parking is, it doesn’t allow for growth and expansions down the line. So, adequate parking space is a big deal! 

Also, the location and layout matter. When designing a parking lot, think about the distance from the playing field.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. How far will guests have to walk from their vehicles to the sporting events?
  2. Are any vehicles in danger of being hit? Because depending on the sport, there could be a chance of stray balls and broken windshields. This means you might need proper signage, protection nets, or a different layout.
  3. Speaking of the layout, is it easy to navigate, and is congestion going to be an issue?
  4. What is the type of lighting you are thinking about? Proper nighttime lighting is important for safety and security. But it also raises your budget. So, start listing cost-efficient, and environmentally friendly, options like LED.

Athletic Surface and Weather Conditions

The athletic surface and outdoor weather conditions also go hand in hand. And they matter to the teams who will be playing at your facility. There are pros and cons with natural grass and artificial turf. Artificial turf is pricklier and more prone to heat. And natural grass requires maintenance such as mowing and pesticides. Whereas, artificial turf does not. Also, natural grass can become muddy and slippery after a rain downpour.

If your playing facility is outside, consider installing a lightning detection system. Most events are during rain or shine. But for a more weather-controlled option, indoor sports facilities are great, too. Some might even prefer it. Here’s why.


Building a new sports facility can be a lot to think about. This list is only the beginning! Once you’re up and running, some other key considerations include creating a business plan, researching management software programs, building out a solid team, and incorporating marketing strategies. Subscribe to our blog to stay up to date with more industry tips.

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Which type of business model is right for your gym?

Are You Using the Proper Business Model for Your Gym?

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Sandwiched in the middle of another pandemic year, fitness businesses around the world continue to grow and evolve. Everything the fitness industry knew back in 2019 is very different from what it knows in 2021. If you are a gym owner and haven’t done so already, now could be a good time to check in with your current business model. Find out what still serves you and what doesn’t, in order to stay on top of the competition and continue reaching your target audience. We’d love to help you get started in your search! In this post are some different membership models to consider for your gym.


Let’s start with a membership-based gym model because it’s what most people think of when they first sign up at the gym. It’s a monthly or annual fee in exchange for unlimited access to facility services. The pros are, it’s been around the block. So, it’s tried and true. It’s straightforward in what your members will receive for their fee. And when it comes to cash flow, it’s a steady and predictable revenue stream for business owners.

The cons are, because it’s an annual contract, members can sometimes feel locked in or locked down. Especially if they aren’t getting full use out of their membership like they want. Or, circumstances arise and they can’t. For example, when people were unable to access their gyms at the start of the coronavirus and couldn’t take full advantage of the equipment and classes they paid for. 

Tiered Membership Models

A tiered membership model is a membership based subscription with options. And who doesn’t love options, right? If members are anxious with a traditional membership plan, offer them a tiered plan. It will allow them more control over their pockets and fitness experience. Adopting a tiered membership shows clients you’re listening to their wants and needs. And that’s pretty cool.

Digital Subscription  

Everyone has watched the fitness industry dive into the digital work out space these last two years. Some businesses slowly added in online accessible features. Others went fully online. What’s great about a digital subscription during the pandemic is gym owners don’t have to fuss over social distancing, limited capacity, masks or sanitisation. However, the downside is members can miss out on the full gym experience. For most people, that’s a huge deal. A big pull of a physical gym is that group motivation. Plus, friendly competition and professional in-person guidance. 

Hybrid Fitness

Hybrid Fitness is somewhere in-between membership based and a digital subscription. By adopting a hybrid fitness business model, you can offer clients the best of both worlds. One with a mixture of in-person and online classes.

Your in-person clients will look forward to a more intimate class-size experience. Your online clients will still get the feel of being in your gym’s environment while working out from the comfort of their homes. Also, your in-person members have the flexibility to access a live-streamed class. Or, stop by a digital library whenever they are unable to make it there either, ensuring they still get in a workout.

Group Fitness

Speaking of group motivation and friendly competition, there’s a business model for that. One where members can pay for a bundle of classes, connect with other members and bounce off energy. While some people need music to pump them up for their workout, others enjoy having like-minded individuals to achieve goals with.

Pay As You Go 

A pay as you go plan can help attract members who are maybe on the fence about committing to a plan just yet. It lets them come and go as they please, and take what they need from your services. From a business perspective, sure, it might not have great cash flow. But, it could still be worth implementing into your business model plan. And remember, you can always mix and match business models until you find what works best for you. There is no right or wrong way to do your business, only what feels right to you.


Gym owners, remember this. Like you, some of the most successful businesses are the ones open to evolving. As you know, successful businesses don’t get stuck in their ways. They are always looking for ones to help grow their business. So, continue researching and learning. Listen to fitness industry trends, as well as your target audience and you will do well.  Start with these insights to different membership models for your gym. Then, keep digging for more information until you find your niche and groove. As always, we wish you well on your success journey.

Do's and Dont's When Expecting "New Year's Resolution" Gym Members

Do’s and Don’ts When Expecting “New Year’s Resolution” Gym Members

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Many people will be heading into the new year with the same new years resolutions as last year: Be happier, make more money, live a healthier lifestyle and join the gym. Coronavirus or not, those things haven’t changed. And a new years resolution gym membership is great news for you as a gym owner!

Even though your gym classes might be meeting up differently these days, with the right strategies, you can be sure to keep any new members motivated and showing up day after day. Here are some do’s and don’ts for your new year gym memberships.

1. DO have your Management Software ready

With a good management software on your side, you’ve already won half the battle. While your software streamlines the administrative side of things, you can focus more attention toward retention efforts such as building and establishing new member relationships.

The best time to set up your software is well before the rush of the new year, so you know how to operate it. But we are happy to guide you through the process at any time, and answer your questions.

2. DON’T forget to track attendance

One of the things you can use management software for is to track new gym members attendance. Tracking any member’s attendance is always important to your clients success and your fitness business. However, tracking new member’s attendance is especially important because it helps you to understand how to better motivate them. Maybe you need to move around class days and times or switch up your offerings. Member attendance can help clue you into all of those things. 

3. DO send out nurture emails 

When you are alerted to a string of member absences, go ahead and send those gym members a personalised email to let them know they are missed and you care. If they feel like nobody notices, it’s easier to let themselves off the hook. But having somebody in their corner can encourage them to keep pushing toward their goals. And in this case, not just anybody- the gym owner! It could be greatly impactful.

 4. DON’T be afraid of the digital landscape

Now that all fitness classes have completely moved online, there is a good chance it could stay that way for awhile. So, don’t shy away from it. The gyms who learn to fully adapt and embrace the change will be the ones who thrive most in the long haul. Plus, it’s not so bad. Having digital fitness classes allows for more flexibility and connectivity.

5. DO find a niche

Do some soul searching and figure out what you’re truly passionate about when it comes to the fitness industry. Now that everyone is online, you need to find the thing that sets you apart. You need a niche.

There’s a lot of competition online right now. Some websites are even offering free content which make things even harder. So, it’s imperative to stand out. Having a niche can help you do exactly that. Figure out what makes you and your business unique and choose to be an expert in your field vs. somebody who dabbles in a little bit of everything. It can make a huge difference.

5 Ways to Grow Your Gym Business in 2021

5 Ways to Grow Your Gym Business in 2021

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

It’s no secret 2020 has been one big, giant rollercoaster ride for gym owners. The pressing question on everybody’s mind is what will 2021 hold for the fitness industry? While no one knows the answer for certain, don’t be discouraged. There are still ways to keep pushing forward. Here are some tips and tools for creating revenue streams that will steady your member retention rates, increase revenue and help your fitness business grow.

Refresh online classes

At the start of the Coronavirus, the fitness industry made its collective jump into the world of online classes. By now, you’re likely a pro with a pretty solid handle on everything. But like with any trend, they’re always changing. So, pay close attention to your competitors latest class offerings, or do a little extra research on the web, and then give your own classes an occasional refresh when you feel it’s appropriate. Of course, if something is working out extremely well for you, don’t feel pressured to mix it up. Like the old adage goes, “If it ain’t broke- don’t fix it.”

Create a referral program anyway

Creating a member referral program might feel low on the do list these days but we are here to say: create it anyway. That’s because, it’s never a bad time to ask your gym members to help you spread the love to their friends and family. If anything, now is the perfect time for it. The rewards don’t have to be big, either. There are plenty of budget-friendly incentives including, free one-on-one workout sessions, free class passes or even a choice of merchandise from your shop.

Sell merchandise

Speaking of merchandise. Don’t pack up the yoga pants and reusable water bottles just yet. Whether your classes are meeting in person or online, your gym members will still need items for their workout sessions. And one item you don’t want to miss out on selling right now is face masks.

It’s true, they’re everywhere and everyone is likely counting down the minutes until we can be rid of them forever. But in the meantime, they’re here to stay. So, why not create some eye-catching and comfortable masks with your gym logo on them?

Team up with other companies 

We’re all in this together, right? Team up with your business neighbours. It’s no secret that other companies are trying to find ways to keep their goods and services out there also. So, team up with the ones you respect and admire and offer to help each other out. Let them keep some of their products in your shop in exchange for them doing the same with yours. Or, even better, if they in the health and wellness field also, team up for a joint class or workshop.

Look for trends with Management Software

If you want to see how your new tricks are performing, pay attention to your management software. It can help you track member attendance and engagement which can clue you into what’s really working for member retention.

Gym owners, we hope you enjoyed reading these tips on different revenue streams and how to make your fitness business grow. If you try them, come back and let us know how they worked out for you.

Get to Know EZFacility Partners

Let’s Get to Know EZFacility’s Partners

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A part of what makes EZFacility so great is all the like-minded companies we get to partner up with. When our clients sign up for our EZFacility management software, they also gain access to a ton of other companies. Our partners help our clients with better attracting, managing, and engaging their customers. They also help them with enhancing their overall brand.

If you aren’t familiar with our EZFacility partners, they include 97Display, Authentic8, Brivo Systems, Constellation Payments, Passport Technologies, Perkville, Plastic Printers, QuickBooks, Smartwaiver, Textmunication, Rapid Gun Systems, CoachMePlus, SportsLife X, and Trainingym.

Here is a bit about each of them.

97Display offers website solutions and digital marketing services for health and fitness businesses.

Authentic8 helps protect businesses from all web-borne threats. They also supply specialised RFID cards, keyfobs, stickers, wristbands, and barcodes.

Brivo Systems provides a 24/7 cloud-based access control system. Plus, video surveillance products for physical security.

Simplify and streamline your payment processing with none other than Constellation Payments.

Passport Technologies helps deliver customised and integrated client-access solutions.

Are you thinking of finally creating that loyalty program? Sign up with Perkville. They have a plan to grow your business through loyalty points awarded for check-ins, referrals, birthdays, and more.

Plastic Printers is your go-to for member key cards, POS hardware, ID card printers, and any other printing needs.

QuickBooks provides a streamlined accounting system with financial management and sale tracking.

Now clients can sign waivers digitally (and securely), on their own electronic devices thanks to Smartwaiver.

With Textmunication, build brand recognition and improve engagement, retention, and member loyalty with targeted SMS messages and campaigns.

Rapid Gun Systems is a certified NCR Counterpoint POS reseller and systems integrator.

CoachMePlus is a coaching management software for coaches, trainers, and athletes.

SportsLife X is a social media platform designed for athletes with schedules, scores, standings, and stats. It’s a way for clients to further engage their players.

Trainingym makes sure gyms get their hands on some specialised tools. They have 3-d workout videos, body composition analysis, and satisfaction surveys.

Identity One’s IDlink will revolutionise the way check-ins are done at your place of business by making it completely cardless. To learn more in depth about our list of EZFacility partners, click here. The list is always expanding. That’s because it’s super easy to integrate with existing and future partners. Also- we just love doing it! So, if you are interested in being our partner and believe we could be a good match for you, please contact us to learn more.

Testimonials and EZFacility Customer Success Stories

Testimonials and Success Stories from EZFacility Customers

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Combing through a variety of management software programs in search of one that’s both good and trustworthy can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming.

We could give you a list of reasons why to choose us or tell you the many benefits of using EZFacility, but we believe our satisfied clients say it best. So, we’ve created a reviews page filled with multiple customer success stories straight from the source.

Our customers are from different industries including community centers, gyms & health clubs, shooting ranges, sports facilities and universities plus more but their level of contentment is always the same.

Take a peek at what some of them have to say about us:

“Brilliant. The system itself, I cannot fault. The customer service has also been excellent. Any question or queries I’ve had have been fully answered straight away.” – Sam House, Testlands

“EZ takes away lots of front desk scheduling which creates time for the team to spend with members. The backend is full of great reports to aid business decisions and can get instant information at the press of a button.” – Spencer Fanstone, Barn Fitness Club

“We started with another system which was horrendous and not user friendly… A recommendation to EZ Facility has made the clouds disappear and alot easier to use! The back office assistance by staff is second to none…(I’ve made a few mistakes!) which have been fixed no problem” – Southampton Fives

To keep reading more about the benefits of EZFacility and our customer success stories, click here. Or if you’re more of a visual person and would like to watch video reviews instead, you can find a list here.

What Customers Are Looking for in a Personal Trainer

What Customers Look for When Hiring a Personal Trainer

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

If you are a new personal trainer or planning to become one, here are some things to consider when attracting clients.

These are the top items customers look for when hiring a personal trainer or fitness instructor. 


Proper certifications and qualifications are the first items people will ask trainers to provide. And that’s fair, right? After all, improper exercise can lead to unnecessary pain, excessive soreness and potential injury. Ouch. So, a certified personal trainer is a must.

College education isn’t necessary however, a certification from either the NASM, ACE or NSCA is required: National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), The American Council on Exercise (ACE), and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).


Personality is everything. The problem is, there are a lot of different personality types in the world and -let’s face it-  not all of them get along. The same is true for clients and trainers in the health and fitness world. Professional chemistry and compatibility should be obvious during the very first session.

You won’t always hit it off with everyone, (and that’s okay) but there are some things you can do to set each new session up for success.

Listening Skills

While it’s important for the client to get a feel for who you are and what you’re all about, be sure to listen too. You will need to take note of their fitness goals, what they hope to accomplish during your sessions and which style of coaching works best for them. Communication is a vital key.

Practice What You Preach

When you’re in the business of teaching others how to better themselves, they will look to see how you are bettering yourself also.

Practice what you preach by working on your own fitness goals in your downtime, including properly fueling your body with clean foods and scheduling time for workouts.


What works for one client won’t necessarily work for all clients. Some clients may need more encouragement, motivation and direction than others. Be patient.


Relax and be yourself! At the end of the day, of course you want new business and clients.  But it should never come at the cost of sacrificing who you are or your values. So, just be you. When you are yourself and you’re comfortable with it, it shows. As a result, you will attract the right people for you.


A solid reputation is another hot list item clients search for in a certified personal trainer. If you’re new to the industry, don’t worry. It isn’t impossible to get paying clients without one. But, you may have to work harder initially to earn their trust.

Once you’ve established a working relationship with a handful of people, word of mouth will take off and new clients will come knocking. One suggestion to consider is getting yourself on social media. Word of mouth is fast but in the age of social media, having an online presence is sometimes faster.

Cost and Availability

Cost and availability play big roles in deciding factors also. Open yourself up to more potential clientele by offering a flexible availability.

As for pricing, new personal trainers sometimes wrestle with how to set up their pricing packages. First, focus on your value and ask yourself what you offer to clients. Then, work on communicating that value to them. If it helps you to take a peek at competitors prices before you get started, do it. But at the end of the day, don’t be afraid to ask for what you feel your time and experience are worth. If clients are confident about your confidence, they will pay for your services.

For more fitness instructor or health and fitness industry related tips, check out more of our blog.


What Are the Benefits of Using a Management Software?

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

This is for anyone debating whether or not to implement management software in their business. Are you curious what management software is, who it’s for and what the benefits are? Or if it’s even relevant now in a covid-world? Find out the basics inside this post.

What is management software?

Management software is a program designed to help businesses get better organised.

It sounds simple, right? However, as you know, most people aim to be more organised but just don’t know where to start or how to stay that way. That’s where we come in.

With EZFacility, you don’t even have to think about it. Once the system is in place, it’s easy to get on track with your business and stay there. Plus, we help you every step of the way. We take great pride in being the ultimate package when it comes to helping our clients run their businesses. We are there to onboard you, tailor fit the program to your needs, and to support you always.

Why do you need it?

Imagine being able to streamline all your administrative operations in one easy to use platform. Enrollment? Check. Scheduling? Check. Reporting? Check. Billing? Check. Staff and client management? Check, check.

The idea is that EZFacility does the heavy lifting so you can spend more time on the things that matter most like, connecting with clients or growing your business.

Who is it for?

EZfacility is designed for most clubs or any place with a membership-based model. Here are some examples of the industries we have work with:

  • Gyms, Health and Fitness Centers
  • Indoor Soccer & Sports Facilities
  • Personal Training Businesses
  • Baseball Training Facilities
  • Yoga and Pilates Studios
  • Tennis Clubs
  • Parks and Recreation 
  • Ice Rinks and Hockey Training Centers
  • YMCA’s and Community Centers
  • Sports Performance Training Centers
  • Shooting Ranges and Gun Clubs
  • University Rec & Intramurals

If you don’t see your industry listed above but still think our management software could be a good fit for you, don’t be afraid to ask. Contact us to speak with a representative and find out more information.

What are the benefits of using EZFacility?

So, what are the benefits of using EZFacility, anyway?

Well, for starters it’s cost-effective and can optimise infrastructure. It helps save time and money, it can increase staff productivity, and it can be used anywhere in the world. Not to mention, it offers important customer insight. And proper customer insight can lead to customer loyalty which in turn could lead to more revenue.

SaaS benefits

Saas benefits gets its own little section because we want you to know what saas (software as a service) means.

It means there isn’t anything for you to install, update or do, really. You can access your EZfacility software from anywhere in the world, any time you want with total confidence. As long as you have an internet connection, you are good to go. Oh, technology! And that’s especially great news right now with everyone at home during quarantine.

Read more about our benefits here.

Is management software helpful during the pandemic?

Times are weird right now (boy, are they ever!) So, we get it. If you’re new to the idea of management software, you might be wondering if now is even a good time to start. The short answer is, yes, it’s absolutely helpful.

When things moved online without warning, it was an adjustment for everyone. It’s understandable how important business tasks might have gotten lost in the shuffle.

We know you are doing your best to re-adjust and quickly. And we bet you’re doing a great job. But when you are ready, we can help you ease up much of your anxiety.

EZFacility can save time and money and allow you to spend more time connecting and tending to the growing needs of your clients. Client loyalty and being present for your members is more important now than ever before. During this social distancing, people are longing for ways to stay and feel connected to their communities. While you’re taking care of them, we can help take care of you.

Schedule a Demo

Are you interested in learning more? Schedule your free trial and online demonstration today.


New EZFacility Business Features and Benefits

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

Things get busy, we know how it goes. That’s why we want to check in and point out some of our newer EZFacility features you might have missed.

Over the last several months, we’ve been working hard to come up with new tools we believe are helpful for your continued transition from in-person classes to virtual ones. EZFacility wants to do more to help than just say we are here for you. That’s why we’ve come up with these new features to allow you to stay connected with your clients even in the midst of social distancing.

Yes, the world is socially distancing in a physical sense. But humans are social by nature and not even a pandemic can take that away. People still very much want to be -safely- connected to others and businesses. And that includes your company. Especially if you were a part of someone’s everyday routine prior to covid-19. And honestly, even if you weren’t. You never know, someone could be searching at this very moment for a healthy way to fill up their time and space with an instructional class or two and then stumble upon your studio. So, be ready for them.

Here is how you can help existing clients and future clients alike, with our new Zoom Integration and Video Library features.

Zoom Integration

While Zoom itself isn’t new, it’s new to our site, and that’s still pretty exciting. With this new integration, moving online and setting up classes is made easy.

Again, nobody is socially distancing, emotionally. Only physically. People want to be connected and we want to help connect them to you. Zoom makes it possible to maintain that sense of normalcy. Whether it’s to hop on a chat with a loved one, attend a conference call, have happy hour with friends or to join a cardio class- zoom is ready for all of it. And we are ready for that last part. How about you?

By adding Zoom capabilities to our EZFacility self-service portal, it gives our clients the ability to live stream their classes for any studio sessions, whether it’s group or one-on-one’s. Plus, it’s mobile-friendly which means meetings can be launched or watched on cell phones from quite literally anywhere.

Video Library

The Video Library is a great place to start building a collection of classes for clients. It’s also a way to keep everything as normal as possible. Instead of your clients walking through your physical front doors, now they can walk through your digital doors and find a comprehensive list of classes being offered.

Showcase different classes and specific instructions or even create short introductory videos about your studio and instructors. The possibilities are endless.

All you have to do is record videos on a third-party video tool such as Facebook or Youtube, upload them, set a reservation type and sit back and wait for them to be enjoyed. Or enjoy them yourself!

Don’t forget to add your social media links directly to your self-service page too so clients know where to find you on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and more.

This is only the beginning. We hope to enhance this Video Library feature and keep adding other useful tools for you to access in the future.

More Help

Are you looking for additional help or information during COVID-19? Take a look at this list of resources we’ve put together. Be sure to check back often as we update it.

If you’ve tried these new features, we are always interested in hearing your feedback. Or if there is something else you’d like to see, please let us know.

Fitness Trends for 2020

« Blog | Written by Emily Duty | | (0) Comments |

We know it’s only mid-way through the year but let’s take a look at some of the top fitness trends for 2020 so far. Surprisingly (or not so surprisingly), many of them have remained the same from previous years.

It’s only surprising because when you think of fitness trends, your mind likely goes to the more novelty items or fads- like exergaming (what?) or goat yoga! (Yes, we’re still talking about goat yoga. It appears to be alive and kicking, in case you were wondering. So, maybe that’s a bad example.)

But the point is, typically, most trends are something you see come and go, especially in this industry. It’s understandable. Getting up and going to the gym everyday can be tough, and people are looking for a way to keep themselves interested and motivated. You have to be careful though. Falling in with a bad trend can be lethal. Once the excitement fades, determination and commitment tend to follow it. So, if you are trying on a trend for size, you want something you can count on, right?


Well, rest assured these top trends are tried, true, and expected to stay for a while. If your instructor’s looking to spice things up at your fitness facilities or you’re an avid exerciser who wants to grow your skills, hang around and see what made this year’s cut, in no particular order.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Well, that’s a lie.

Because if there was an order, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) remains at the top of every list for several reasons. It’s rigorous. It’s quick. It’s fun. It’s effective. And it keeps people coming back for more.

While professional runners are no stranger to interval training, this style of working out has only been on the scene for maybe a decade now. We say only but that’s pretty solid as far as fitness trends go and it doesn’t show signs of slowing down. That’s why it’s the perfect addition for any studio wanting to increase their retention rates. Group training workouts in general are growing in popularity. Think: indoor cycling. If indoor cycling is Queen then, HIIT is King. 

Wearable Technology

Wearable technology isn’t going anywhere anytime soon either. With technology advances seemingly growing by the day, it’s becoming easier and easier for people to take the reins of their health. Fitness trackers and smart devices help with tracking calorie consumption, calories burned, heart health, sleep quality and emotional health.

Health and Wellness Coaching

Speaking of emotional wellbeing. More people are acknowledging that taking care of oneself isn’t just about the physical portion any longer.

The total body package includes a healthy mind as well. The problem is, admitting that to be the case is only the first step. Cooking up a healthy mindset makeover action plan is a big second. But don’t fret. That’s where health and wellness coaching comes into play. The purpose of a Wellness Coach is to help clients form healthy habits and encourage them to stick with the program.

Personal Training

It’s easy to spot what you want to fix about yourself physically. But with mental health, you may not always be sure how to get there or, how to motivate yourself to even try. That’s the reason why personal training will never go out of style. Let’s face it, those guys are good.

Fitness Programs for Older Adults

Sometimes, aging can feel like a worn-down car with its check engine light on. When really, aging should be more like that of a fine wine. By investing in and offering well-crafted fitness programs for older adults—your fitness facility will be one of the richest wine cellars out there.

Exercising can greatly reduce blood pressure, disease, obesity, bone density, cancer and more. Plus, it’s proven to make everybody downright happy and happiness is, of course, tied to longevity.

Online Fitness

With the world being more connected than at any other point in human history–technology has propelled the popularity of at home workouts. While it’s hard to beat the sense of community and belonging that you get from showing up to physical fitness facilities every day, sometimes the choice of convenience is nice.

For that reason, online fitness continues to grow in popularity. Nobody is saying that clients do not want to head into the gym anymore because, that’s crazy talk. But, getting there isn’t always possible and it’s great to have options. 


Like HIIT, yoga isn’t new to the game by any means. It’s gathered more attention in recent years, but it has been practiced quite literally, forever. In fact, the oldest form of yoga dates back thousands of years. How’s that for a sturdy trend? A total mind and body one, at that. With yoga, you get flexibility, strength, and self-reflection.

Do you agree with this year’s list of fitness trends for 2020? Do you have any predictions for next year’s list? And is group training here to stay or do you think it will go? Let us know in the comments.